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Evidence for Awangdu

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1184
Type Ethnography
Location 6°29'36.46"N, 2°36'14.93"E 6°30'54.12"N, 3°21'57.71"E
Date 1951-04-01 - 1951-04-30
Rules 5x12 board, played on the intersections of lines. Twelve pieces per player, arranged along the side of twelve closest to the player. Pieces move along a boustrophedon track, one player starting from left to right in their starting row and the other from right to left in their starting row. Moves are determined by the throw of six cowries: one mouth up = 1, two mouth up = 2, three mouths up = 3, four mouths up = 4, five mouths up = 1 (0 and 6 mouths up are not specified, but are between 10 and 20 and the move can be split to make captures). A player must roll 1 or (0 or 6) to begin. When a piece moves to a spot occupied by an opponent's piece, it is captured. The goal of the game is to reduce the other player to one or two pieces.
Content "4.10.6. Dahomey: Awa(ng)du (K.C. Murray, who watched fishermen from near Porto Novo, Dahomey, who were playing at Lagos in April 1951). Played on the points of a board of 4x11 cells, giving five rows of twelve points on which the men are placed and moved, the throws of six cowries giving the moves. Four people play, two throwing the cowries and two moving the men. Each side has twelve men which are arranged one on each point of the side's back row. Moves are given by the throws of the cowries: six backs up is called opoto; six backs down is ogo; all but one up or down is siki, counting 1; two backs up and four down is ano, counting 4; three up and three down is akrosan, counting 3; four up and two down is aviatu, counting 2. The values of ogo and opoto were not noted, but apparently were between 10 and 20 and could be divided to effect a number of captures in a turn of play. A throw of siki, ogo, or opoto is necessary to begin the game. One side moves left ot right along its back and odd rows, the other side right to left along its back and odd rows, so that both sides move in the same direction along the inner rows. If a throw brings a man to a point occupied by an opponent, the latter is taken. The game is won when one side is reduced to one or two men." Murray 1951: 97.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Genders Male
Source Murray, H.J.R. 1951. A History of Board-Games Other Than Chess. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council