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Evidence for Ludus Rebellionis 2

2 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.2075
Type Contemporary rule description
Location Italy
Date 1500-01-01 - 1599-12-31
Rules 8x8 board. Each player plays as one King, one Queen, and sixteen Pawns. The Black King starts in the bottom right corner, and the Queen in the space to the right of the bottom left corner. The Pawns are on alternate spaces in the first four rows, starting with a Paqn in the bottom left corner. Red's pieces reflect this pattern, with Kings and Queens opposite each other.
Content Diagram from a from Malatastiana Library of Cesena of Ludus Rebellionis, with the Black King in the bottom right corner, and the Queenin the space to the right of the bottom left corner. The Pawns are on alternate spaces in the first four rows, starting with a Paqn in the bottom left corner. Red's pieces reflect this pattern, with Kings and Queens opposite each other. Pratesi 1996: 9.
Confidence 100
Source Pratesi, F. 1996. Il manoscritto scacchistico di Cesena. Venice: Scacchi e Scienze Applicate.

Id DLP.Evidence.2076
Type Contemporary rule description
Location Italy
Date 1500-01-01 - 1599-12-31
Rules 8x8 board. Each player plays as one King, one Queen, and sixteen Pawns. The Black King starts in the top right corner, and the Queen in the space to the right of the top left corner. The Pawns are on alternate spaces in the first four rows, starting with a Pawn in the bottom left corner. Red's pieces reflect this pattern, with Kings and Queens opposite each other.
Content Diagram from Perugia Manuscipt L. 24 with the black king and queen in the top row among red pawns, and the red king and queen on the bottom among black pawns. Murray 1951: 105-106.
Confidence 100
Source Murray, H.J.R. 1951. A History of Board-Games Other Than Chess. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council