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Evidence for Wari (Alignment)

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.2148
Type Ethnography
Location Navaro Zuaragu
Date 1914-01-01 - 1927-12-31
Rules 6x6 board. Twelve pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty space on the board. No captures may be made in the placement phase. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving a piece orthogonally to an empty adjacent space on the board. When a player places three of their pieces in an orthogonal row, they remove one of the opponent's pieces. Lines of four or more do not capture. Moving a piece out of a line of four or more, making it now a line of three, does not capture. Lines of three made during the placement phase also do not result in capture. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
Content Account from A. Cardinall, who lived in Ghana from 1914 for eighteen years, describing Wari from the "Northern Territories": "But a far better game that this, and one certainly worthy of being introduced at home, is the form of wari-it has many other names - which is played by the people of the north. Many times have I too entered the lists, and generally, in spite of the courtesy of my opponent, have lost. The board has thirty-six cups or squares in it. Only two players take part. Each is provided with twelve counters, either of different colour or size. Usually one has white beans and the other black beans. The board at the beginning is left entirely clear of any counters. Each in turn is allowed to place one counter in any unoccupied square until all twenty-four have been set in place. Then he whose turn it is to play is allowed to move one of his coutners to any vacant square (there are twelve left), which must be adjacent to the counter moved, but not diagonally so. If by so moving he is able to make a line of three of his own colour, he is allowed to remove any one of his opponent's counters. The latter then moves, and so the game continues until the board is cleared of one colour. It must be remembered that no counter may be removed until all the twenty-four have been set, and that only those lines made up of three after that entitle one to "huff" an opponent. A line of four or more counts for nothing, nor does the moving of one of four in a row, leaving a line of three, entitle one to an enemy piece. It is only the actual making of a line which counts, and the three must be in consecutive squares. This game always attracts a crowd of onlookers and is generally the cause of much gambling. Curiously enough the Ashanti does not take to it..." Cardinall 1927: 254-255.
Confidence 100
Spaces Outside
Source Cardinall, A. 1927. In Ashanti and Beyond. ondon: Seeley, Service and Co. Limited.

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