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Evidence for Tacanaco

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1966
Type Ethnography
Location 12° 2'45.35"S, 77° 2'45.90"W 12° 3'18.64"S, 77° 7'36.35"W 13°42'53.56"S, 76°10'54.20"W 13°31'54.97"S, 71°58'2.31"W 16°24'32.62"S, 71°32'12.65"W 16°12'51.40"S, 69°27'27.49"W 16°29'25.73"S, 68° 7'7.49"W 17°24'50.71"S, 66° 9'55.09"W 17°58'12.49"S, 67° 5'26.08"W 19°34'17.34"S, 65°45'21.22"W
Date 1599-01-01 - 1653-12-31
Rules Played with dice. Played with beans of different colors.
Content Short description by Bernabé Cobo: "Otra suerte de juego se decía tacanaco, y era con el mismo dado y frisoles de varios colores, como el juego de las tablas." Cobo 1653: 270.
Confidence 100
Source Cobo, Bernabé. 1653. Historia del Nuevo Mundo. Madrid: P. Francisco Mateos.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council