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Evidence for Shatranj (Iraq)

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1988
Type Contemporary rule description
Location 30°31'2.79"N, 47°49'32.49"E 33°19'16.16"N, 44°25'5.05"E
Date 1700-01-01 - 1799-12-31
Rules 8x8 board. The pieces move as follows, with the number per player: 1 x Shah (king): moves one space orthogonally or diagonally. 1 x Fers (counselor): OAny distance orthogonally or diagonally, or like the Asb. 2 x Rukh (rook): Any number of spaces orthogonally. No castling. 2 x Pil (elephant): Any distance diagonally, jumping over the first. Cannot capture another Pil. 2 x Asb (horse): Moves as a chess knight. 8 x Sarbaz (soldier): Moves one space forward orthogonally; one space forward diagonally to capture. No en passant. Promoted to Fers when reaching the eighth rank. An opponent's piece is captured by moving a player's own piece onto a space occupied by the opponent's piece. When a Shah can be captured on the next turn by an opponent's piece, it is in check. The Shah must not be in check at the end of the player's turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate and the opponent wins. Stalemate results in a win for that player causing it.
Content Marginalia on British Library manuscript with the rules for medieval Shatranj, pointing out the differences between the contemporary (18th century) game to that in the manuscript: "This book differs from whaat we recognize in our time, for the Firzan now unites the power of the Firzan and the 2 Fils; and one of the Fils moves diagonally through half the squares of the cloth as it likes when there is no obstacle in its way, and the other diagonally through the remaining half...The conventional Firz unites the powers of the Rukh, the conventional Fil, and one of the Faraz." Murray 1913: 354-355.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Source Murray, H. J. R. 1913. A History of Chess. London: Oxford University Press.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council