Evidence for Sute
1 pieces of evidence found.
Id DLP.Evidence.1906 Type Ethnography Location Malawi Date 1913-01-01 - 1913-12-31 Rules 4x8=20 holes, with an even number per row. One counter in each hole, except the right-hand end row of the inner row. Sowing occurs in an anti-clockwise direction, only into an empty hole. When a counter lands in a hole in the inner row and the opponent's opposite inner row hole is empty, the contents of the opponent's opposite outer row hole are captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
Content "Sute (Achikunda). As in above games, there are four rows of eight, ten, up to twenty holes.
One man is put in every hole, both rows, except the rigbt-hand end hole of the front row.
Singletons are moved into an empty hole only, always, as in all these games, from left to right along the back row and from right to left along the front.
Men can be taken only from the back row hole opposite to the hole arrived at, and only if the corresponding hole of the opponent's front row be empty. Thus a player cannot take unless he is moving into an empty hole of his own front row facing an empty one in his opponent's; in which evelnt he can only take the contents of the corresponding hole in the back row.
A player may move or take only once each turn." Sanderson 1913: 736. Confidence 100 Source Sanderson, M. 1913. "Native Games of Central Africa." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 43: 726-736.