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Evidence for Uril

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1857
Type Ethnography
Location 16°53'9.04"N, 24°59'18.78"W
Date 2006-01-01 - 2017-12-31
Rules 2x6 board with a store on either end. Four counters in each holes. Players take turns sowing in an anti-clockwise direction from one of the holes in their row. Counters are captured when the final counter of a sowing is dropped into a hole in the opponent's row containing one or two counters, making it contain two or three counters. If the previous hole also contains two or three counters, they are also captured, in an unbroken line until a hole with a different number of counters is reached. If, while sowing, the hole from which the sowing originated is reached, this hole is skipped and sowing continues. If a player has no counters in their holes, the opponent must play so as to place counters in their row. The player who captures 25 coutners first wins.
Content Account by Braz Dias and Braz Dias: "Uril is played by two players on a board with two rows of six pits and 48 seeds (Figure 4). At the beginning of the game, each player has four seeds in each pit. At their turn players choose one of the pits in their side of the board which to play. They then play by sowing the contents of the pit: getting all the seeds in the pit of choice and distributing its contents, one seed per pit, counterclockwise. The objective of the game is to be the first to capture 25 or more seeds. A capture happens when the last seed in a move is dropped into a pit on the opponent’s side which had either one or two seeds. The resulting two or three seeds in that pit are then captured. If immediately previous pits also end up having two or three seeds, those are also captured...Finally, there are two other main rules in Uril: (a) If one plays a pit that has enough seeds to go completely around the board (12 or more), the original pit is skipped and left empty. (b) If a player does not have any seeds left, the opponent must make a move which will give him/her seeds. If it is the opponent’s turn to play, but no such move can be made, the game is over and the opponent gets all the remaining seeds." Braz Dias and Braz Dias 2020: 9-12.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Spaces Public, Private
Genders Female, Male
Source Braz Dias, A. and Braz Dias, J. 2020. "An Understanding of Socially-Constructed Knowledge in the Context of Traditional Game-Playing as Theorems-in-Action." Revista Baiana de Educação Matemática 1: 1-25.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council