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Evidence for Temeen Tavag

4 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1714
Type Ethnography
Location Mongolia
Date 1963-01-01 - 1966-12-31
Rules An X, with a rounded line connecting the four endpoints of the X, but leaving two unconnected. A circle is drawn between these two unconnected endpoints. Two pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on an empty point on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, players alternate turns moving one of the pieces to an empty adjacent point on the board, moving along the lines. The player who blocks their opponent from being able to move wins.
Content "les deux joueurs X et Y posent un par un leurs pions respectifs, alternativement et au choix, sur les m stations du tablier...Une fois les pions posés, les joueurs les déplacent coup par coup, sur une ligne, à l'intersection adjacente libre...1. temeen tavag (le sabot de chameau), II, fig. 1: ce jeu comporte 2x2 pions. Le tablier a cing intersections, dont une de 4e rang, deux de 3e et deux de 2ème rang. Pour gagner, il faut s'emparer de la station de 4e rang (A), centre stratégique du réseau du tablier." Popova 1974: 16-18, quoting Namzildorz's Mongolyn Togloom.
Confidence 100
Source Popova, A. 1974. "Analyse formelle et classification des jeux de calculs mongole." Études mongoles 5: 1974: 7-60.

Id DLP.Evidence.1715
Type Ethnography
Location Mongolia
Date 1988-01-01 - 1991-12-31
Rules An X, with a rounded line connecting the four endpoints of the X, but leaving two unconnected. A circle is drawn between these two unconnected endpoints. Two players. Two pieces per player. The goal of the game is to block the other player from being able to move.
Content "Temeen tawag (camel's paw). A board game. There are two players. Each has two pawns. The aim of the players is to block the rival and to keep him off the square designated as the well. The first player to reach the well wins" This is more a statement of strategy, the well being the central point. Kabzińska-Stawarz 1991: 37, 134, Fig. 11.A.
Confidence 100
Source Kabzińska-Stawarz, I. 1991. Games of Mongolian Shepherds. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences.

Id DLP.Evidence.1716
Type Ethnography
Location Mongolia
Date 1963-01-01 - 1966-12-31
Rules The board is a square, with diagonals drawn. One of the sides of the square is not drawn. Two pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on an empty point on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, players alternate turns moving one of the pieces to an empty adjacent point on the board, moving along the lines. The player who blocks their opponent from being able to move wins.
Content "2. dörvön bux (les quatre taureausx), II, fig. 2: ce jeu est strictement identique au preecédent du point de vue fonctionnel: 2x2 pions qui sont appelés taureaux, et 5 intersections (de 4e, 3e, et 2ème rang)." Popova 1974: 18, quoting Namzildorz's Mongolyn Togloom.
Confidence 100
Source Popova, A. 1974. "Analyse formelle et classification des jeux de calculs mongole." Études mongoles 5: 1974: 7-60.

Id DLP.Evidence.1717
Type Ethnography
Location Mongolia
Date 1988-01-01 - 1991-12-31
Rules The board is a square, with diagonals drawn. One of the sides of the square is not drawn. Two pieces per player.
Content "Dörvön buch has its variant based on a board game, similar to checkers, Each of the player has 2 pawns which are called buch (bulls) and the board is a sector of the square." Kabzińska-Stawarz 1991: 37, 124, Fig. 11.B.
Confidence 100
Source Kabzińska-Stawarz, I. 1991. Games of Mongolian Shepherds. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council