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Evidence for Lahemay Walida

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1243
Type Ethnography
Location 12°47'11.73"N, 39°32'31.03"E
Date 1971-01-01 - 1971-12-31
Rules 2x6 board, Four counters in each hole. Sowing proceeds in an anti-clockwise direction. When the final counter of a sowing falls into an occupied hole, these counters are picked up and sowing continues. During the sowing, when a hole is made to contain four counters, these counters are captured by the owner of the hole, unless it is the final hole of the sowing, in which case the player captures these regardless of who the hole belongs to. When the final counter lands in an empty hole, the turn ends. Players then count their pieces by placing four in each hole, and the player who has more than their original number takes ownership of one of the opponent's holes for every four counters more than the original number that have been taken. If no player took four more than the original, the player with three extra gets the hole, if each player has two extra they draw lots to see who gets an extra hole. Play then begins again as before. The game ends when one player owns all of the counters, and thus all of the holes. If toward then end of the game, when a player has been reduced to a single hole and it is captured by the opponent, the opponent captures the four counters involved in the capture. The hole remains in the possession of its owner, and is able to utilise any pieces falling into that hole on subsequent turns, but may also capture from this hole as though the hole had been captured by the opponent.
Content "Lahemay Walida. This game, spoken of as lahemay walida, or "my cow has given birth," is played on two rows of six holes, with four balls per hole, and is closely related to Games 7 and 16, and identical to lahemay waladat described for Maqalé except in two respects: 1. Captures occur when balls are formed in clusters of four, not three, the four-ball capture being indeed far more common in this type of gabata throughout Ethiopia. 2. A player capturing the said group of balls with the last ball in his hand thereby ends his move, and does not continue play until his opponent has had his turn." Pankhurst 1971: 174.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Genders Male
Source Pankhurst, R. 1971. Gabata and Related Board Games of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia Observer 14(3):154-206.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council