(game "Windir" (players 2) (equipment { (board use:Edge) (piece "Marker" Neutral) }) (rules (end (if (is RegularGraph Neutral) (result Mover Loss)) ) ) ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (option "Board" args:{ } { (item "Graph1" < (complete (subdivide (regular Star 4))) > "The game is played on the Graph1." )* (item "Graph2" < (complete (subdivide (regular Star 8))) > "The game is played on the Graph2." )** (item "Graph3" < (complete (subdivide (regular Star 14))) > "The game is played on the Graph3." ) }) (option "Version" args:{ } { (item "Add" < (play (move Add (piece "Marker0") (to Edge (sites Empty Edge)) ) ) > "The players play on Addition version." )* (item "Deletion" < (start (set Neutral Edge (sites Board Edge)) ) (play (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Neutral on:Edge) ) ) > "The players play on Deletion version." ) }) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (metadata (info { (description "Windir is a graph theory game based on the graph-theoretic concept of regular graphs. A regular graph is a graph where every vertex has the same number of neighbours; i.e. every vertex has the same degree. ") (rules "This game has two versions: an addition and a deletion version. In the addition version, the graph is initially uncoloured. Players alternate turns, colouring an uncoloured edge in a common colour. However, in the deletion version, the game starts with all the edges coloured. At each turn, a player chooses to remove the colour of an edge. In both versions, the current player loses by turning the coloured graph into a regular graph. ") (id "700") (version "1.3.12") (classification "experimental/graph theory") (author "Tahmina Begum") (credit "Tahmina Begum 26-05-2020") (date "26-05-2020") } ) (graphics { (player Colour Neutral (colour 0 127 255)) (board Style PenAndPaper replaceComponentsWithFilledCells:True) (show Edges ThinDotted (colour 127 127 127)) }) (ai "Windir_ai" ) )