(game "Tic-Tac-Toe" (players 2) (equipment { (board (square 3)) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Cross" P2) }) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end ("Line3Win")) ) ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (metadata (info { (description "Tic-Tac-Toe is a game of alignment popular among children. It is known from the nineteenth century in England and the United States, but may be older.") (aliases {"Noughts and Crosses" "Oughts and Crosses" "Tik Tak Tol" "Tripp Trapp Trull" "Tick-Tack-Toe"}) (rules "Play occurs on a 3x3 grid. One player places an X, the other places an O and players take turns placing their marks in the grid, attempting to get three in a row of their colour.") (source "Murray 1951: 40.") (id "100") (version "1.3.12") (classification "board/space/line") (credit "Eric Piette") (origin "This game was played in Unknown, from around 1850 to 1883.") } ) (ai "Tic-Tac-Toe_ai" ) )