(game "Raeo" (players 2) (equipment { (mancalaBoard 4 6 store:None) (piece "Seed" Shared) } ) (rules (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win) ) ) ) ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (metadata (info { (description "Raeo is a four-row mancala-style board game played by children in South Africa. The counters are conceptualized as cows.") (rules "4x6 board. Six counters in each hole. Players sow counters from a hole on their side of the board. When the final counter of a sowing lands in an empty hole, the contents of the opponent's opposite holes are captured, and then sowing continues with these counters. When the final counter of a sowing lands in an occupied hole, the turn ends. When one player has captured all of the opponent's counters, or the opponent has only a single counter remaining, the player wins.") (source "DLP evidence.") (id "1363") (version "1.3.2") (classification "board/sow/four rows/reconstruction") (credit "Eric Piette") (origin "This game was played in South Africa, around 1971.") } ) (graphics { (board Style Mancala) }) )