(game "Polis" ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (option "Variant" args:{ } { (item "Incomplete" < (players 2) //(equipment (board [(square 9) | (square 11) | (rectangle 8 10)]) [#]) (equipment [#]) (rules [#]) > "The incomplete ruleset." ) }) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (rulesets { (ruleset "Ruleset/HIstorical Information (Incomplete)" { "Variant/Incomplete" }) }) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (metadata (info { (description "Polis is a board game mentioned in ancient Greek literary sources. Little is known about it, but the sources indicate that the spaces were called poleis, \"cities,\" and a piece was called κύων (kyon), \"dog\". Captures were involved, and it has been speculated that the game is similar to Ludus Latrunculorum.") (aliases {"Poleis"}) (rules "9x9, 11x11, or 8x10 board. Two players. Pieces are captured by surrounding them on either side.") (source "DLP evidence.") (id "138") (version "1.3.12") (classification "board/war/reconstruction/pending") (origin "This game was played in Greece, from around 525BCE to 1194.") } ) (recon { (concept "CustodialCapture" True) }) )