(game "Pentalath" (players 2) (equipment { (board ) (piece "Marker" Each) }) (rules (play (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then ("EncloseCapture")) ) ifAfterwards:("HasFreedom" Orthogonal) ) ) (end (if (is Line 5) (result Mover Win))) ) ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (option "Board" args:{} { (item "HalfHexHexBoard" < (intersect { (hex 7) (shift -5.20 0 (hex Rectangle 7 14)) }) > "The game is played on the half of a HexHex board of size 7." )* (item "HexHexBoard" <(hex 5)> "The game is played on a HexHex board of size 5.") } ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (metadata (info { (description "Pentalath was invented by Cameron Browne in 2009. It is a connection game with the goal of creating a group of five in a row, but with complications.") (rules "The board starts empty. White plays first. Players take turns placing a piece of their colour on an empty cell. Passing is not allowed. After each move, the opponent's pieces with no freedom are captured and removed from the board. A piece has freedom if the group it belongs to touches an empty cell. It is not allowed to place a piece in a space without freedom, unless that move captures the other player's pieces to create freedom. The game ends when one of the players wins a game by making a line of five (or more) stones of their colour.") (source "BGG") (id "448") (version "1.3.12") (classification "board/space/line") (author "Cameron Browne") (publisher "nestorgames (used with permission)") (credit "Eric Piette") (date "2009") } ) (ai "Pentalath_ai" ) )