(game "Nedilmarth" (players 2) (equipment { (board use:Edge) (piece "Marker" Neutral) }) (rules (start ) (play (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Neutral on:Edge) ) ) (end (if (is Tree Neutral) (result Mover Win)) ) ) ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (option "Board" args:{ } { (item "Graph1" < (merge (scale 0.707 (concentric {1 8})) (shift -.5 -.5 (square 2))) > < { (set Neutral Edge (sites Board Edge)) } > "The game is played on the Graph1." )* (item "Graph2" < (graph vertices:{ {4 0} {12 0} {5 3} {8 4} {11 3} {4 6} {6 7} {8 6} {10 7} {12 6} {0 10} {3 9} {7 9} {9 9} {13 9} {16 10} {5 11} {11 11} {8 13} {8 16}} edges:{{0 1} {0 2} {0 10} {1 4} {1 15} {2 3} {2 5} {3 4} {3 7} {4 9} {5 6} {5 11} {10 11} {11 16} {6 12} {6 7} {7 8} {8 9} {9 14} {14 15} {8 13} {13 12} {12 16} {13 17} {14 17} {16 18} {18 17} {18 19} {10 19} {15 19}} ) > < { (set Neutral Edge (sites Board Edge)) } > "The game is played on the Graph2." ) (item "Graph3" < (dual (rotate 45 (square 7))) > < { (set Neutral Edge (sites Board Edge)) } > "The game is played on the Graph3." ) }) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (metadata (info { (description "Nedilmarth is a graph theory game. It is a game for two players on an undirected cyclic graph.") (rules "The board graph is initially coloured with a neutral colour. Players take turns removing colour from a coloured edge. The game is won by the player who removes the last cycle from the coloured graph.") (id "701") (version "1.3.12") (classification "experimental/graph theory") (author "Tahmina Begum") (credit "Tahmina Begum 25-05-2020") (date "25-05-2020") } ) (graphics { (player Colour Neutral (colour Green)) (player Colour P1 (colour Blue)) (player Colour P2 (colour Red)) (board Style PenAndPaper replaceComponentsWithFilledCells:True) (show Edges ThinDotted (colour 127 127 127)) }) (ai "Nedilmarth_ai" ) )