(game "Amazons" (players 2) (equipment { (board (square 10)) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (then (moveAgain)))) (piece "Dot" Neutral) }) (rules (start { (place "Queen1" {"A4" "D1" "G1" "J4"}) (place "Queen2" {"A7" "D10" "G10" "J7"}) }) (play (if (is Even (count Moves)) (forEach Piece) (move Shoot (piece "Dot0")) ) ) (end ("BlockWin")) ) ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (metadata (info { (description "Invented in 1988 by Walter Zamkauskas and first published in the Argentine magazine El Acertijo in December 1992.") (rules "Played on a 10x10 board. Each player has four Amazons (chess queens), with other pieces used as arrows. Two things happen on a turn: an amazon moves like a Chess queen, but cannot cross or enter a space occupied by another amazon or arrow. Then, it shoots an arrow to any space on the board that is along the path of a queen's move from that place. The last player able to make a move wins.") (source "Wikipedia") (id "79") (version "1.3.12") (classification "board/space/blocking") (author "Walter Zamkauskas") (credit "Eric Piette") (origin "This game is from Argentina, on 1988.") } ) (graphics { (piece Scale "Dot" 0.333) (board Style Chess) }) (ai "Amazons_ai" ) )