Game updates: - Polypods: By its author, more options added to the game, square shape is now the default Games fixes: - Woli: sowing occurs in clockwise direction - Tablas Astronomias: sowing occurs in anti-clockwise direction - The Concentration Game: sowing occurs in anti-clockwise direction New Rulesets: - 3 new rulesets for Mu-Torere - 21 new rulesets for 58 Holes New Games: - Nodal Chess (credits: Dale Walton) - Toads and Frogs (credits: Fabio Barbero) - The Pawn Game - Gadis - Azteka - Paintscape (credits to Michael Amundsen) - Tibetan Jiuqi (credits to Yanyin Zhang) - Shatera New Recons Games: - Tsjoncka - Chess (Siberia) - Tabulae - Li'b al-Sidr - Chatrang (Sassanian) - Riga Game (Small) - Gabata (Gondar) Ludeme fixed: - (is Line ...) with lines in stacks fixed in case of an empty site - (count StepsOnTrack ...) fixed for loop tracks. Ludii fixed: - Usage of some IntFunction related to the stack or count in the start ludemes is now fixed.