Ludii: - Many games are now using a lot of new ludemeplexes making their descriptions shorter and easier to read. More to come. Reconstructions: - Mbenga Alignment Game: board updated - Che Lo: board updated - More than 200 reconstruction desc done. New Games: - Polypods (Credits to Dale Walton) - Bug (Credits to Dale Walton) - Manifold (Credits to Dale Walton) - Brood (Credits to Dale Walton) - Tennessee Waltz (Credits to Dale Walton) - Chong (Sakhalin) - Caturvimsatikosthakatmiki Krida - Chaturanga (14x14) New Rulesets: - Canadian Draughts: "Huff Rule" ruleset New Ludemeplexes: - ChessKing - ChessKnight - ChessBishop - ChessQueen - ChessRook - ChessPawn - Checkmate - CrossBoard - AlquerqueBoardWithBottomTriangle - AlquerqueBoardWithBottomAndTopTriangles - AlquerqueGraph - AlquerqueGraphWithBottomTriangle - AlquerqueGraphWithBottomAndTopTriangles - CrossGraph - LascaGraph - HoundsAndJackalsGraph - AlquerqueGraphWithFourTriangles - AlquerqueBoardWithFourTriangles - SlideCapture - ThreeMenMorrisBoard - ThreeMenMorrisBoardWithLeftAndRightTriangles - ThreeMenMorrisGraphWithLeftAndRightTriangles - CustodialCapture - InterveneCapture - RollMove - NextSiteOnTrack - IsOffBoard - IsNotOffBoard - IsEndTrack - ReplayInMovingOn - StickDice - DieNotUsed - IsEnemyAt - IsFriendAt - StepToEnemy - AllOwnedPiecesIn - BackgammonBoard - BackgammonTrackWithBar - ReplayNotAllDiceUsed - NoEnemyOrOnlyOne - RollEachNewTurnMove - PachisiBoard - TableBoard - IsSingletonStack - HittingCapture - BackgammonTracksWithHands - BackgammonTracks - BackgammonTracksSameDirectionOppositeCorners - IsNotEndTrack - BackgammonTracksSameDirectionOppositeCornersWithBars - TableTracksSameDirectionOppositeCorners - BackgammonTracksSameDirectionWithHands - EscapeWin - EscapeTeamWin - KintsBoard - LeapToEmpty - FillWin - IsEmptyAndNotVisited - IsPieceAt - ReachWin - BlockWin - FortyStonesWithFourGapsBoard - OppositePit - OppositeOuterPit - MancalaByScoreWhen - ForEachPlayerNoMovesLoss - ForEachNonMoverNoMovesLoss - NoPieceOnBoard - OppositePitTwoRows - MisereBlockWin - SurroundCapture - EncloseCapture - HasFreedom - NoMovesLossAndLessNumPiecesPlayerLoss - NoMovesLossAndNoPiecesPlayerLoss - NoMovesP1NoPiecesP2 - NoMovesP2NoPiecesP1 - SingleGroupWin - HopAllPiecesToEmpty - IsSingleGroup - IsTopLevel - HavingLessPiecesLoss - Line3Win - ReplayIfLine3 - RemoveAnyEnemyPiece - RemoveAnyEnemyPieceNotInLine3- NineMensMorrisBoard Games Updates: - OffShore: graphics updated by its designer - Veloop (Square): a few minor updates by its designer - Veloop (Hex): a few minor updates by its designer - Lifeline: updated by its designer - Makvoer: rules updated - Let's Catch the Lion: "If the players play the same position three turns in a row, the game is a draw" rule added. - Co Chan Cho: Starting rules updated. - Shatranj al-Kabir: The knight pieces move like in Chess and rotated knight leap less far. Games fixes: - Pentago: The detection of the 4 main "regions" (also called sub-boards) was wrong, this is now fixed. - Let's Catch the Lion: The Lion can be captured now. - EinStein Wurfelt Nicht: Higher Next and Lower Next fixed Fixes: - stack:True in (fromTo ...) and (move (from ...) (to ...)) is fixed (was not used before)