New Games: - Millieu (credits: Dale Walton) - Allemande (credits: Dale Walton) - Double-Run Stone (credits: Dale Walton) - Pyrga (credits: Dale Walton) - Symple (credits: Michael Amundsen) - Chains of Thought (credits: Dale Walton) - Khamousiyya - Sabou'iyya - To Kinegi tou Lagou - Game of Dwarfs Games updated: - Lifeline updated by their authors. - Throngs updated by its author. - Fenix: During the setup phase, pieces must be adjacent to stack. - Royal Game of Ur: rules fixed according to Finkel and Murray. - 20 Squares: Dice fixed - Ludus Latrunculorum, Ruleset Falkener: Pieces can hop enemy pieces without capturing them. Ludeme fixes: - A potential infinite loop fixed in the ludeme (sow ...)