New Games: - Lielow (Credits to Michael Amundsen) - HexGo (Credits to Helge Kosuch) - Branching Coral (Credits to Dale W. Walton) - Watershed (Credits to Dale W. Walton) - 1D Chess - Viking Chess - Fenix Games updated: - Brain Coral (Credits to Dale W. Walton) - Windflowers (Credits to Dale W. Walton) Games fixed: - Doov: Multi jumps are not allowed. - Frisian Draughts: No priority on the king to capture but only to be captured. - Ultimate TTT: Line of 3 has to be in the same sub game. Ludeme improvement: - Removing at the end of a turn works also for multi capture in the same stack. GUI: - New advanced option to be able to print the name of the current phase.