Games added: - Seesaw Draughts (credits to Michael Amundsen) - Lava (credits to Michael Amundsen) - Murus Gallicus (credits to Phil Leduc) - Sprout-R-Out (credits to Dale W. Walton) - Netted (credits to Dale W. Walton) - Tablo - Mig Mang - Qatranj - Shing Quon Tu - MiniXiangqi - Xiang Hex - Labirintus - Shatranj (Algeria) - Rio Kadalis - Okwe (Igbo) - Li'b al-'Aqil - Shatranj Diwana Shah - Lam Waladach - Tank Tactics - Wari (alignment) - Wari - Shatranj (12x12) - Shatranj (14x14) - Shogun - Geister Games updated: - Komikan: Default ruleset has diagonal forward moves for the dog pieces. - Game of the pawns --> Shatr ikh Padan - Konane: Default size is 10x10 - Okwe (Nigeria) --> Okwe (Igbo) - Morpharoah --> Morpharaoh - Shobu: Fix about pushing 2 pieces in the aggressive move for the case with enemy piece on step 3. - Dama (Italy): Regular pieces can not capture king pieces Ruleset added: - Tama: Default ruleset is now DLP and Wikipedia is now another ruleset. Ludeme fixed: - (size Territory ...) was incorrect, now fixed. Ludeme updated: - (enclose ...) is now also able to apply effect on empty sites if they are enclosed by the condition. - (count Groups ...): works now with the boolean condition and not the roletypes Ludemes added: - (all Groups ..) To verify a condition on each group on the board. - (count Value in:): to count the number of a specific value in an array. - (union ...) operator for the direction functions.