Updates: - Limit of 16 pits on the dominoes. - Allow to define a region of a single coordinate without array e.g. (sites "E4") - (count Liberties ...) works also for a region. - uses consistently the (player ...) ludeme in argument of others ludemes rather than an @Or between roleType and IntFunction (e.g. (forEach Piece (player Next))) - (forEach Piece Shared) works to move the shared pieces according to their generator of moves. - (forEach PIece All) works to move all the pieces in the equipment according to their generator of moves. - Possibility to use a specific set of moves in (is Threatened ..) - New Simulation Model for 0 player game (e.g. Game of Life) - Mathematical operators can be used in the graph functions to generate the board.- Possibility to specify some flips values for a tile. Fixes: - Fix the result of the ending results applied to many players (e.g. (result All Draw)) - Fix the Hop move in case of jumping many pieces but different numbers on each radial. - Fix: (sites Occupied by:NonMover) and (sites Occupied by:Enemy) are now fixed. New Games: - Trike (credits to Alek Erickson) - Game of Life - Awangdu- Acedrex de los Cuatros Tiempos Update rules: - Woli: Sowing clockwise. - Wouri: Turn ends when the final counter lands in an empty hole. - Yovodji: When the final counter of a sowing lands on in an empty hole in the player's own row, the contents of the hole in the opponent's row opposite it are captured. - Pagade Kayi Ata (Sixteen-handed): The pieces enter to the board directly on their own rectangle. - L'attaque: Scouts can not capture each other and can slide to empty sites. The note "Px attacks" is doing when Px attacks an enemy piece. - Nim: Uses now the count and not stacks (but stays equivalent in terms of play). - Dice Shogi: A wrong description of the rulesĀ  which was allowing to capture the Osho, is now fixed.