Tournament Id: 8 Tournament Name: Time Started: 01/01/1970 Tournament Format: RoundRobin Host Id: 1 Host Name: MatthewStephenson Game Name: Tic-Tac-Toe Description: Tic-Tac-Toe is a game of alignment popular among children. It is known from the nineteenth century in England and the United States, but may be older. Player Name: testcase | Player Id: 20 | Ranking: 0.5 | Games Played: 2 Player Name: MatthewStephenson | Player Id: 1 | Ranking: 0.5 | Games Played: 2 Game Id: 395 | Player Ids: 1 / 20 | Round Number: 1 | Ranking String: 1.0_0.0_ Game Id: 396 | Player Ids: 20 / 1 | Round Number: 1 | Ranking String: 1.0_0.0_