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Evidence for Chaturanga (14x14)

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1978
Type Contemporary rule description
Location 20°27'39.81"N, 85°53'0.10"E
Date 1497-01-01 - 1540-12-31
Rules 14x14 board. 32 pieces per player. Pieces move as follows: King (x1): Moves any distance orthogonally or diagonally; Crown Prince (x1): moves up to six spaces orthogonally or diagonally; Minister (x1): moves up to six spaces orthogonally or diagonally; Military leader (x1): moves up to six spaces orthogonally or diagonally; Elephant (x2): moves forward orthogonally up to five spaces with the possibility of then moving one space backward diagonally; Cart (x2): moves any distance orthogonally; Horse (x4): moves one space orthogonally and then one space diagonally, leaping over any intervening pieces; Machinist (x4): moves forward orthogonally up to four spaces, forward diagonally one space, or backward orthogonally one space; Archer (x4): moves forward orthogonally up to three spaces, forward diagonally one space, or backward orthogonally one space; Spearmen (x4): moves forward orthogonally up to two spaces, forward diagonally one space, or backward orthogonally one space; Swordsmen (x4): forward one space orthogonally or diagonally or backward one space orthogonally. When a piece moves to a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured. If the King can be captured by the opponent on their next turn, it is in check and must not be in check at the end of the player's turn. If this is not possible, the player loses.
Content Detailed description of the rules of 14x14 Chaturanga from the Harisaracaturanga, written by Godavaramisra in the late fifteenth-early sixteenth century. Bock-Raming 2001.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Social status Elite, Nobility
Genders Male
Source Bock-Raming, A. 2001. "Das 8. Kapitel des Hariharacaturanga: ein spätmittelalterlicher Sanskrittext über eine Form des "Großen Schachs" Annotierte Übersetzung und Interpretation." Board Games Studies 4: 85-125.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council